Yes, this is the first post at I’m just testing out the design, fixing miscellaneous bugs, and generally playing around.
I’ve always had intentions to start a blog, but told myself I never had the time. Of course that’s bullshit; you make time for the things that are important to you.
I’m not really sure what I’m going to write about, but I’ve started a list. And that’s something.

These photos are from a recent trip I went on with some buddies.
We went on a hike up the side a mountain, which normally isn’t my thing. I didn’t have good hiking boots and was worried about the trek down, the slick matted grass and rocks wanting to twist my ankles.

It was about 15°F outside and the cabin we were in had only a wood stove. The outhouse was 50 feet up a hill. There was no power. It was perfect.
Coffee, food, booze and laughs were all we needed.

Thanks for reading. We’ll see what this brings.